
Who's done it.. ?

今天 发生的事 是巧合还是有因的
从一早开始的 梦
到跟peggie聊了一阵中 想起那初衷、原由
到后来 电话给轩
再后来 发觉 她还在。


nevermind.. no matter you're busy or what ><
I'll try n try to call you again =]
after I done my work ..
(I'm really annoying leh..

Really don't know is who done this
but I'm really get some touch la ><

Form a little bit feeling sad to really touch
isn't easy? haha =P

X, IF that is you.. I'm really thx but I would curious also..
(But I'm don't want owe you what again n again..

P, IF that is you..I'm really thx but I'll try to cancel again..
(is very stupid leh.. but also thx to have you be my friend

Later on, the correct answers would be there.. =]
Appreciate it.

