
random mood

seem like still some times = P

had not appear some times ago
2015 is already here (HELLO ~~ ^^..

a grateful gift at the end of 2014:
accidentally without wifi to stay silent
is actually silent (love it MUACCKK
start to busy on hampers (preparing for 2015 CNY
n start to not to disturb anyone (especially him =P
just like before (just alone but not lonely xDD
really enjoy ^^..
when you used to be back at once
yeah,, sure you can make it (true story
in short,, that's a year that I love very much too
it make my life
one of the most meaningful memories are showing on there

a starting step of 2015:
get back wifi (hahaXDD the first important things before step in 2015
start to think of 2015 0.0.. (a lot things to going on..
just only be with it 2 days (hohoo
n the final is welcoming us to step in 2015 (lol..
so.. emm
yeah,, like that.. hahhahaha =P

time to sleep

